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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Medical Humanities Blog

On Bioethics (& the Social Determinants of Health)

One of the central aims of MH Blog is to explore the relationship between bioethics and the medical humanities.  The relationship is complex, and in many ways MH Blog itself is on ongoing dialogue on the matter.  On the one hand, there are persistent, vocal, and, to my mind, persuasive criticisms of some of the dominant traditions of bioethics practice and scholarship coming from the medical humanities (and from other places, of course).  On the other hand, if the medical humanist is not at least somewhat interested in ethics related to health, illness, medicine, and health care, it is hard to see the purpose of the medical humanities.  I am using the term "ethics" here in its most expansive sense, a sense that two great questions help explicate:

What is the good?

How shall I live?/.../

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