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Thursday, January 09, 2014

Paleo Code

Chris Kresser: Your Personal Paleo Code
Humans were made to eat like Paleolithic hunter-gatherers, not farmers

The following is an excerpt from Your Personal Paleo Code by Chris Kresser published Dec. 31, 2013 (Little, Brown and Company).
Agriculture: The Worst Mistake in Human History?
Like it or not, humans are animals.  And like all other animals, we are biologically adapted to a “species-appropriate” diet and way of life.
When animals eat and live in accordance with the environment to which they’re adapted, they thrive. Cats, with their sharp teeth and short intestinal tracts, evolved to be carnivores, so when we feed them grain-rich kibble, they develop kidney trouble and other woes. Cows naturally graze on grass; when they eat too much grain, harmful bacteria proliferate and make them sick. We humans face a similar mismatch. Our biology and genes adapted to a particular environment. Then that environment changed far faster than we could adapt—with a few important exceptions that I’ll cover later in this chapter. The result? The modern epidemic of modern, chronic disease.

Getty Images/First Light / Getty Images/First Light
Call it Paleo Chic. The eating habits of cavemen have never been more popular. But should we be taking menu cues from our ancient ancestors?
The protein-heavy, low-carb principles of the Paleo diet are popping up in restaurants like HG SPLY Co. in Dallas and Hu Kitchen in New York City; exotic new Paleo-inspired products such as grass-fed beef pemmican, a Native American meat paste, are hitting the shelves. And celebrities from Miley Cyrus to Kobe Bryant are reportedly avid followers.

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