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Sunday, June 22, 2014

2659 - AMICOR 17

O Guaíba

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 14 segundos
O Guaíba A seguir mais uma foto, dentro do propósito de abrir o alerta semanal do AMICOR com uma foto do último álbum de nosso filho. Mais no link de página postada na semana passada:

Visita de amigos

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 17 minutos
*Eduardo de Azeredo Costa e Airton Fischmann,* Deram-nos o prazer de nos visitar no decorrer da semana que passou. São amigos, colegas e companheiros de vários projetos na área da Saúde Pública e da Epidemiologia. O mais importante foi a pesquisa sobre Pressão Arterial e fatores de risco na população adulta do Estado do RS em 1978. Na época a maior investigação sobre o tema não somente no país como em todo o hemisfério sul.

The future self

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 33 minutos
The Psychology of Your Future Self and How Your Present Illusions Hinder Your Future Happiness Philosopher Joshua Knobe recently posed a perplexing question in contemplating the nature of the self: If the person you will be in 30 years – the person for whom you plan your life now by working toward career goals and putting money aside in retirements plans – is invariably different from the person you are today, what makes that future person "you"? What makes them worthy of your present self's sacrifices and considerations? That's precisely what Harvard psychologist *Daniel Gilbert* ex... mais »

O hino do Avenida Tênis Clube

José Antonio BrenneremBrenner de Santa Maria - Há 21 horas
*No ano de 1933, fatos importantes ocorreram no Avenida Tênis Clube. Houve a eleição da primeira rainha, foi composto o hino, realizado um festival beneficente e lançado o A.T.C., o primeiro jornal do clube. Na metade do ano, meu pai, Ennio Brenner, tornou-se campeão. * O Avenida Tênis Clube teve seu primeiro e único hino, composto em 1933, com música de Horst Walter Puhlmann e letra de Lamartine Souza. O médico Lamartine Souza, campeão do clube, desde 1920, era então vice-presidente e atuava, desde 1922, na Diretoria Executiva e no Conselho Fiscal. Era homem de vasta formaçã... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 23 horas
What the numbers tell us 1. Gilbert Chin, 2. Elizabeth Culotta +Author Affiliations *Recomendado pela AMICOR Mria Inês Reinart Azambuja* 1. *Gilbert Chin is a senior editor for* Science *and Elizabeth Culotta is a deputy news editor for* Science. In 2011, the wrath of the 99% kindled Occupy movements around the world. The protests petered out, but in their wake an international conversation about inequality has arisen, with tens of thousands of speeches, articles, and blogs engaging everyone from President Barack Obama on down. Ideology and emotion drive much of the d... mais »

how we make choices

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 23 horas
*Hard Choices* Here's a talk that could literally change your life. Which career should I pursue? Should I break up -- or get married?! Where should I live? Big decisions like these can be agonizingly difficult. But that's because we think about hard choices the wrong way, says philosopher Ruth Chang. She offers a powerful new framework for shaping who we truly are. Watch now » PLAYLIST OF THE WEEK 7 TED Talks on how we make choicesInspired by the talk above? Keep exploring, with the selected talks in this playlist. Explore why some choices are so hard to make -- and learn how we can ... mais »

Hypoglycemia in Older People

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Hypoglycemia Rising in Older People With Diabetes By JUDITH GRAHAM JUNE 19, 2014 5:00 AM 10 Comments - E-MAIL - FACEBOOK - TWITTER - SAVE - MORE Most of the time, the older woman seemed sharp. But increasingly, she became confused and disoriented — a case of “intermittent dementia,” one doctor speculated. Further tests were ordered, and then another diagnosis emerged. It wasn’t dementia at all. It was hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. The woman had diabetes and was taking too much medication. Once the doses were lowered, her cognitive symptoms disappeared. ............... mais »

Changing people

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
Frank Schirrmacher 1959-2014A Rememberance ofFrank Schirrmacher[6.12.14] Introduction by John Brockman [Photo: Copyright © Julia Zimmerman] *We are apparently now in a situation where modern technology is changing the way people behave, people talk, people react, people think, and people remember. And you encounter this not only in a theoretical way, but when you meet people, when suddenly people start forgetting things, when suddenly people depend on their gadgets, and other stuff, to remember certain things. This is the beginning, its just an experience. But if you think about it a... mais »

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